Where next?

This handbook has brought together benchmarks from the US and Europe around employee ownership for the first time. We hope it’s given you more clarity – and provided actionable and practical recommendations for your company stock option scheme. Our research into employee ownership and stock options at Index Ventures is ongoing and we will continue to expand and update our data.

Employee ownership will become an ever more pertinent subject as competition for talent gets fiercer and more global. Let’s keep the conversation going – among founders, investors and employees.

Sparking debate

Regulation and tax practices vary massively across Europe – from some of the world’s most favourable schemes for startups, to some of the most unhelpful. If the European tech ecosystem is to grow and thrive, it is our belief that entrepreneurs and government bodies need to work collaboratively. We need to address the barriers that taxation and bureaucracy pose to innovation and job creation.

It is for this reason that in early 2019, Index Ventures helped to launch the #NotOptional campaign, with an open letter to European policymakers signed by over 700 of Europe's leading entrepreneurs and investors. The campaign is already yielding results through engagement with the European Commission and national governments. We will continue to push for a 'levelling up' of the European playing field on behalf startups and startup employees.

Your next step

Try our OptionPlan tool. We’ve made it simple to test and refine your allocation strategy against various benchmark levels – at both seed stage and Series A – and to check the impact on your overall ESOP size.

Are you thinking about trialling an innovative approach to employee ownership and stock options at your startup?

If so, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out to Dominic Jacquesson at Index Ventures (talent@indexventures.com).
